What Our Customers Are Saying...

"I am a victim of Hurricane Sandy, and In the flood lost some of your Hydrosorbent silica gel units.  I can't express to you how nice it is that your company is willing to replace my damaged products. If there's ever anything I can do to help you or your company, please feel free to contact me anytime. 
Again, thank you." - Glenn, NJ

"A couple of days ago I put a Chinese Lockdown can next to one of the U.S. Hydrosorbent cans into my toaster oven at 325F. When I opened the door after it turned off, I had an awful surprise. The Lockdown can's clear lid insert had melted and the pellets were a mess all over my oven. Must be a cheap plastic insert instead of the high temperature Mica insert on the Hydrosorbent U.S. made can, which still looks new after years of use. After cleaning up silica pellets which went all over the floor when I opened the door, I am a bit pissed at myself for trying the Chinese made Lockdown product at all." - David G, OR

"I just wanted to relate how pleased I am with your products. Last September, my 7-year old son was playing in the yard, and he managed to lose one of his walkie-talkies. It was approaching evening, and leaves on the ground made it impossible to find the radio. 

Then it rained in buckets. For the next 4 months we were unable to find the radio, and it was soaked during every rain. 

About 3 weeks ago, my son found his radio. I'd warned him that even if he did find it, not to expect it to work. My wife put new batteries in it, and of course it did not work. She was about to toss it in the trash when I said, "Let me try something". I opened the battery compartment; there was visible moisture. I placed all the pieces in a heavy-duty Ziploc bag, went to the garage and retrieved my SG40 silica gel unit from my gun case, put it into the bag, and expelled as much air as possible. I sealed it up and then put the Ziploc bag inside a second baggie. I placed the bagged radio and silica gel on a shelf, out of the way. After about 3 weeks, I got the radio out, put in fresh batteries, and to my pleasant surprise, it worked! The Hydrosorbent dehumidifier had removed all the moisture from the radio, salvaging the set.

Thanks for making great products. It's good to know that whatever I choose to protect with them will be protected." - D. Lewis, Tennessee

"Thank you very much for your time and effort in addressing my questions. You have demonstrated customer service that is unheard of and rarely seen in this day and age." - "Mike"

"I want to thank you for having been continually in touch with me, reviewing what I thought would work, then suggesting more appropriate units for my needs (boxes of photos and closets). Sure do appreciate your time and efforts. Great service! and that's highly unusual nowadays! Aloha and mahalo." - C. Crockett, Hawaii

"Thank you so much for your products. I have enjoyed using them and last year discovered yet another use. We have backpacked for 17 years now. I never store a tent even the least bit damp, but after a half year's storage in a closet there is a particular smell, not mildew, but not great. Last fall I stored the tent plus stuff sacks in plastic storage boxes, each with a box of your silica gel. It was great! The tent and stuff sacks smelled new and I feel secure that the tent, etc. can't mildew. Thanks again from a repeat customer." - S. Montgomery

"I am a repeat customer who is very satisfied with your SG-40 "Mini-canister". You really must write on your web site that your product is ideal for CD-ROM storage cases, since mold is a real problem on the media surface that destroys vital data." - D. Rose

"Sirs: I have 4 of your SG-750 units that have protected my gun collections for years, and for that I thank you. I use 2 in 1 safe and 2 in another" - T. Morris, California

"Thanks very much for wonderful service and a great product at a reasonable price." - Carol, Arizona

"We've been successfully using smaller versions of your product in this very humid climate (with great success, I might add). We used the 2 larger ones in our car so we could leave it closed up while we were away. Thanks for your great products." - D. Spranger, New Jersey

" I have 3 of your SG-40 Mini-canisters, and use them in my guitar cases (I live right next to a bayou in sunny, HUMID Florida). I am VERY pleased with their performance. The guitar strings stay in wonderful shape for weeks." - R. Hill, Florida